The Real Mechanics to Understanding Money, and what you can do about it

Now that you know The Truth About the Great Reset and the Agenda 2030, from last week’s post, you have knowledge to get your life back. Let’s continue in learning where the problems started, then you will be armed with enough knowledge to get your finances in order.

How the bank uses each of your $1,000 deposit and makes $10,000 with it by lending it over and over again. What happens if everyone want to cash-out and close their account?

The Federal Reserve owns no gold, nothing to back up the money they are lending us and charging us interest on, nothing! Yet, it continues to lend what they don’t have and keeping all of us enslaved.

It used to be as if you came to me to borrow a cup of sugar, but I didn’t have a cup of sugar so I borrowed it from my neighbour to lend it to you and them charge you interest on that one cup. Now you owe me one and a third of sugar, and gave back only one cup and one eight of it to my neighbour for having borrowed the one cup from them. Which was a more fair way to do things, but still unethical.

Now the way the set up is: I have nothing to lend you, yet I produced it out of thin air and make interest on it.

At the bank, you don’t even see the sugar, or money. All you see is numbers typed up in a computer with nothing to back it up. That is how the Federal Bank System works. Now, you pay out sugar on every pay day to the Fed so they will have sugar to lend you when you need it, and they will charge you interest on that sugar that was really yours to begin with. And the circle continues, and it will until we all decide enough-is-enough and stop being slaves.

Watch Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reverse. Part 1, 2, and 3.

Find out more, click here!

If you have a large amount of savings in the bank, and you can’t afford to lose any of it, please study the following:

: Taking-Control of Your World.

: Hello-Quantum-Patriots,

For the first-step in the QUANTUM-BANKING-SYSTEM IS with the CLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACT of your journey, but, WHY?

In the year-~1999, UNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Came-out of a third &: final: INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY, Which, You-will-learn-on in the FILM: LAST-FLAG-STANDING.COM.

For the consequences of that third &: final: INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY-ENDING, Creates-scenarios, that, Every-Citizen, WASN’T-READY-FOR &: NEVER-KNEW! For these scenarios of the ENDING-AUTHORIZATIONS ARE with the corporate-structures of the FORMERUNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Such as the ENDING-BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-SYSTEM of the UNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Click Here to Read More! Take Action!

It’s Happening, slowly but surely! Q is a military operation… pray!

Next Week: More on Resources to help you take control of your life, now!

Pray for Peace and Healing for All the People on this beautiful planet, because wars will end when the people’s consciousness has been raised.

Pray for ALL Freedom Loving People around the world! The tyranny going on in America, and around the world has got to stop. You need to take this seriously, our Freedom depends on us regaining control of our countries, and of our lives. Keep the faith! Remember, The Light of God never fails. Focus on what you want America, and the rest of the world to look like, how will the people live? Focus on how FREE everyone already is, as if we are already there – this is very important. Do what needs to be done to gain your freedom; remember, God helps those who help themselves. Then, let go and let God, and remember, positive changes rarely comes from the top, it comes from the bottom-up.

Follow me:

For more places to get the truth, be sure you check out these platforms and accounts: Click Here for more news, who to follow, and where to find them.

In Peace, Love, and Light,



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