The Great Awakening, from Living Dannion Brinkley’s Saved by the Light predictions, to aliens living among us and all the cover-ups involved – Part 2

continued from last week… Part 1

In June 1992, a dictation by Saint Germain was given through Elizabeth Clare Prophet with Summit Lighthouse (I used to be a member of the organization until shortly after she retired), you would think this dictation was given within the past year, but it was not. Elizabeth Clare Prophet died in 2009… she left a legacy of insights. I was planning on sharing part of it here but I do not have permission to do so. Click here to read it on their site, download, or print.

If we come together and make the right decisions, the right choices, we will control where our destiny goes. Or our destiny will be controlled for us.

Dannion Brinkley, Saved by The Light

The dictation talks about the Evil being perpetrated on the human race, and most especially on the sacred chakras of life in little children. It also talks about the our need to restore the Holy Family. It mentions the forces of Antichrist through the media, how they are working hard to insert falsehood in our minds, as if it was talking directly about our times right now. Curiously enough, it also talks about the fallen ones and the manipulation of genetic code, was it warning us about the COVID vaccines, and not to mention all the fake foods in the form of GMO?

Genetic Engineering

A groundbreaking lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet exposing what is happening with genetic engineering and the dangers it presents to our spiritual evolution.

I remember one of the conferences I attended there, Mrs. Prophet had talked about the mad scientists who were responsible for the fall of Atlantis having come back into incarnation, now in our time. That was over 25 years ago, who are they? I think we can all guess at least some of them. Click Here to Read more! I was once given an audio cassette on this dictation, but I didn’t find it on their website, maybe you can send them a message if you are interested in purchasing it. Hearing the spoken words has a different energy than reading the dictation.

There’s no need to go very far to find how we are being controlled, it isn’t knew. They had us in the palm of their hands for decades, or should I say, they were in the palm of our hands and at our finger tips for decades making us dependent on them and then, bam! They control our every move.

Everybody, let’s stop! Pull back and take a look at ourselves…

Dannion Brinkley, Saved by The Light

Again, we don’t need to look very far to see the control and corruptions, it’s all around us. From the US 2020 election charade to the plandemic scams we’re living it, and we will until we decide we have enough and pull our ideas and information together and stand up for our rights and our God given freewill.

I posted about Revelation a few times, in past posts.

This is another viewpoint dictated by the Ascended Masters through Elizabeth Clare Prophet

To those who think there’s nothing out of the ordinary going on, WAKE UP! Your life is in chaos and about to be taken over, wake up while we can still take our lives back. We need you on-board.

Another book I highly recommend is Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the New Millennium by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Dannion’s Brinkley’s prophecies, which I shared last week, coincides with this book which includes information on prophecies from the Bible, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Mother Mary. I read this book when it came out in 1999, and read it again recently. It had predicted the 9/11 fiasco using the Nostradamus Quadrants. The predictions go all the way to the year 2025, and gives us solutions.

Remember, what we do today, will affect the next 200 years. What do you want the world to be like for the next generations to come?

Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Mother Mary prophesied world war, pestilence, plague and even planetary cataclysm for us. Saint Germain gives you a way out

What can we expect through 2025?

Other related subjects to keep an eye on, click on the images to view:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responds to a question during Question Period in the House of Commons on March 10, 2021 in Ottawa. (Adrian Wyld/ The Canadian Press)
Trudeau Offers Reassurance on AstraZeneca Safety as European Countries Suspend Use

We may well find ourselves awakening within a dream we once were so convinced it was reality.

David Wilcock

WARNING: 3,150 Injuries in First Week of Illegal Experimental COVID Vaccines Among American Healthcare Workers! Pregnant Women Included

A member of medical staff shows the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine at the vaccinodrome set up in the Velodrome stadium in Marseille, France, on on March 15, 2021. (Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)
Nearly 400,000 AstraZeneca Vaccine Doses Seized in Italy After Teacher’s Death

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) speaks at an event on the steps of the U.S. Capitol for the "For The People Act of 2021" in Washington on March 3, 2021. (Eric Baradat/AFP via Getty Images)
Circling Back to the Pressing Choice of Government: ‘By the People’ or ‘For the People’?

Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is ‘Total Population Control’

William Binney worked for the National Security Agency as a code-breaker for more than 30 years. At a recent conference, he said their ultimate goal is total population control.

Fear of death drives everything.

Dannion Brinkley


Involves the International bankruptcy; affect all of us!

Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai revisits the healthcare system with a simple set of systems visualizations that explain WHY Cost is HIGH & Quality SUCKS, and much, much more.

By getting the covid vaccines, you are actually destroying your own natural immune system, explained… I’ve seen another video with a different doctor saying something similar. After all, that is what happened in the animal testing where all the animals died, when they were exposed to the original virus, after the vaccine showing their body having created anti-virus against the covid virus. For more information on McMillan Research Click Here.

Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.

Geert Vanden Bossche DVM, PhD.

Immediate cancellation of all ongoing Covid-19 mass vaccination campaigns should now become THE most acute health emergency of international concern… see pdf, click here!

Dr. Shiva’s similar idea: mRNA Vaccine – A Reductionist “Immunity” Approach. Need for Systems here to watch video!

Vaccine Choice Canada has a list of information with links Compiled by Edda West. I suggest you take time to research before you take an experimental jab, isn’t your health and quality of life worth it?

My late husband taught me to always look at where a product was made before buying it. He always choose made in Canada over made in China even if it meant he would pay more. Although I agreed, I never really fully understood all of it. He was born in Yugoslavia, his family went through WWII. He knew the tragedies his people went through. He would be devastated to live in this tyranny today.

David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley: UFO Disclosure Prophecies Coming True!

Anyone who still doesn’t believe we are at war is not paying attention. This next video filmed in December 2020, informs you about the real situations we are facing worldwide. It has been named Cyber Pearl Harbor.

There is enough information on my Blog posts alone to show you the truth, the rest is up to you.

Continues next week… Part 3

Pray for America

Pray for ALL Freedom Loving People around the world! The tyranny going on in America, and around the world has got to stop. You need to take this seriously, our Freedom depends on us regaining control of our countries, and of our lives. Keep the faith! Remember, The Light of God never fails. Focus on what you want America, and the rest of the world to look like, how will the people live? Focus of how FREE everyone already is, as if we are already there – this is very important. Do what needs to be done to gain your freedom; remember, God helps those who help themselves. Then, let go and let God.

Follow me:

(Last update: 5 January 2024)

Check out more on previous posts on my Blog:

The draconian measures will stop when EVERYONE stops being compliant with the enemy!

For more places to get the truth, be sure you check out these platforms and accounts: Click Here for more news, who to follow, and where to find them.

In Peace, Love, and Light,



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Posted in BodyMindMastery, MoneyMindMastery, Political, Save The Children, Spirituality
2 comments on “The Great Awakening, from Living Dannion Brinkley’s Saved by the Light predictions, to aliens living among us and all the cover-ups involved – Part 2
  1. B Wyman says:

    I came upon this while looking for more info on Dannion Brinkley.

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