The Truth About the Great Reset and the Agenda 2030

This sit-down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in. It was conducted as a part of the full-length documentary. The full interview is released for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

This sit-down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in. It was conducted as a part of the full-length documentary. The full interview is released for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

What is the Great Reset Plan 2030?

Here is a place to start, make sure you check out their very long list of associates. Don’t be fooled by their seemingly helpful ideas, they are all about controlling you and all you do:

“We shouldn’t be talking about privacy, we should be talking about empowering consumers to share.” In other words: to hell with privacy, we need to make money on your data!

They talk about how they are already using our data, and making it available for anyone to use, as long as it is used right. What a joke! They want to have that in place by 2025, and have been using this already, at least, since June 2020.

They expect us to just “trust” the marketplaces to use our data properly. I knew MasterCard (MC) was in on this, which is why I stopped using my MC, and started using Visa instead, now I find out Visa is in this just as deep as MC. I’m going back to using cash until it is no longer available to use, which is coming. That is why I started buying silver, but I found out about this too late to get it at a good price and to accumulate enough, better late than never. We will need it soon enough.

They even discuss how to deal with people who are just starting out on this data governance journey – I’m not making any of this up

…individuals must be able to trust authorities with their data.

Even in their meetings they are pushing the narrative, probably because they knew we would be listening to it. They claim if only they would have had access to everyone’s data they could have saved over 2 million lives. Hahaha! They want to create a global ‘datasets’ so all countries can have access to everyone’s data; and they actually think they can pull that off without our data being misused. They are out of their minds.

They will create “benefits” to convince people to agree to have their data used freely.

They admit, they have been working on their “Industrial Evolution for the past two years (as of their 2020 meeting, listen from 40:45) a global multi-cycle approach took over 45 organisations from more than 20 countries.” This is really a global takeover, people. They want to create a data driven economy.

And there it is, their slogan “building better” to manipulate the masses to comply with their agenda.

Watch for yourself, with other videos on their page, on the World Economic Forum hosted by Japan. I was not able to link to the video directly. You can recognize it as the photo below, titled: Data-driven economies: Unlocking the power of data.

“The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national interests.” Their words, not mine!

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The answer as to why only the big corporations were permitted to stay open during the plandemic, is simple. They are part of our problems. You can read their report in pdf, see page 39 for the list of members. If you think for a second any of them have our best interest in mind, think again. Now they want people to eat cattle only after the animals have died on their own, which obviously would mean they probably died of a decease or at least of old age. When corporations like Gates wants to make money he buys his way into your lives. They want your meat to come strictly from lab grown beef making people like Gates even more money than they already have. Of course they are using the excuse of stopping animal abuse, which as a vegetarian I am all for, but we know that is just another way to manipulate the masses. Besides, I have cats and they need to eat meat, and I want them to have real meat. Go back to farming as our ancestors did and cancel the industrial farming and all will be well again.

Ask yourself: “why is Gates buying up so much farmland?”

When pressed during a book discussion on Reddit about why he’s gobbling up so much farmland, Gates claimed, “It is not connected to climate [change].” The decision, he said, came from his “investment group.” Cascade Investment, the firm making these acquisitions, is controlled by Gates. And the firm said it’s “very supportive of sustainable farming”. It also is a shareholder in the plant-based protein companies Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods as well as the farming equipment manufacturer John Deere. His firm’s largest farmland acquisition happened in 2017, when it acquired 61 farming properties from a Canadian investment firm to the tune of $500m.

Click Here to Read More!

More on the realities of farmlands, and food growing, in an upcoming Blog post!

The only one who is going to save you, is you… We much stand together!

Here’s the funny thing about the following video, he talks about not forcing people to hear you out and he’s right. The thing is, I had a call today from an old friend, an elderly woman, asking me: “you don’t believe in all of that, do you?” I said: “no”, and the conversation continued with a back and worth with her telling me she has to go with what they say because her daughter wouldn’t have it in any other ways. She kept giving me these propaganda “facts” she heard on TV, she has no Internet, and from her daughter. She didn’t read the papers I gave her, which she told me she would read if I dropped them off. The whole time she’s contradicting everything I tell her on why I believe what I do and why I don’t believe what they say (what she believes). So I changed the subject and used examples to get her to think for yourself, as I had already pointed out in a precious conversation that her intuition was telling her a lot already. That was after she told me: “none of this makes sense.”

I feel for her, as her intuition has been telling her that none of this makes sense right from the start, but she goes along to appease her daughter as she is afraid she won’t get help from her if she does her own thing. I hope, and pray, I never live to be so dependent on someone else’s care that I would go against my own intuition and beliefs.

Here are more ways of looking at things around the 2030 agenda. As I shared in my last post, they see this plandemic as an opportunity…

See my post from a few months ago: The hypocrisy of those who are supposed to be educated people looking out for us is unbelievable. All they want is the great reset where only a few would control the whole world = one world order!

When it comes down to it, the controllers see us as, just a number, not a Soul, not a person, just a number.

They say the benefit out-ways the risks. What if that was you or your child, would you sacrifice yourself, or your child, to help the rest of the population not get the flu that has at least 98% survival rate? And that’s assuming the vaccine actually does prevent the COVID-19 flu, which has yet to be determined.

A vial and syringe are seen in front of a displayed Johnson & Johnson logo in this illustration taken Jan. 11, 2021. (Dado Ruvic/Reuters)

Pause on Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Lifted: CDC Vaccine Advisory Committee

BY MEILING LEE April 23, 2021 Updated: April 23, 2021 Click Here to Read More!

In Europe alone the numbers of dead or injured by all four brands of this vaccines is escalating. Think about it: “is your life worth you doing a little research?” Why would you risk your life, and health, for a flu that is at least 98% recoverable?


Next week I will focus on a series of videos documenting truths you need to know to get you started in gaining your life and freedom back. Stay tuned!

The government won’t stop until they have complete control over all of us, or until we say ENOUGH!:

If you’re still not convinced that the government lies to you in order to control what you think, watch the following video; this is the trailer, the full length is available on YouTube:

Remember the following video? I shared this in my post:

Now watch the following video telling you how our government has been doing exactly what she says in the above video, and then some.

You still don’t get it? Here’s a disturbing video explaining it all…

As if that wasn’t enough… Here’s another even more disturbing video explaining more... viewer discretion is advised:

More on what you can do to help next week. Please come back, and share!

Important update:

The War on our freedom tried to shut them down, but they only managed to force us to push harder. We need to stick together to get our freedom back. Please sign up for this FREE important information summit at their new location:

About five hours ago, the platform we used for hosting Truth Over Fear: Covid-19 and the Great Reset three-day summit, has kicked our event off the internet and suddenly locked out all 50,000+ attendees who were participating in the live streams.

This is war, and they know that I know.

THANK YOU especially to the outstanding speakers. My apologies to the attendees who were inconvenienced.

Last-minute update: We will host this summit next weekend at the same time. We’re contacting our speakers right now and hoping we can stream their live sessions at the same time. A group approached us and offered to help using a conservative-friendly platform.

Please sign up below so we can send you the invite to next weekend’s summit. As a thank you gift you will get my Ebook How To Handle Haters.

*If you paid for a Premium Pass you will be granted free access and will get all your Premium benefits.*

Pray for Peace and Healing for All the People on this beautiful planet, because wars will end when the people’s consciousness has been raised.

The tyranny going on in America, and around the world has got to stop. You need to take this seriously, our Freedom depends on us regaining control of our countries, and of our lives. Keep the faith! Remember, The Light of God never fails. Focus on what you want America, and the rest of the world to look like, how will the people live? Focus on how FREE everyone already are, as if we are already there; this is very important. Do what needs to be done to gain your freedom; remember, God helps those who help themselves. Then, let go and let God, and remember, positive changes rarely comes from the top, it comes from the bottom-up.

I purposely do not have a sign-up program in place for my Blog / Website. I share regularly on my Social Media, which you can find the links to at the bottom of each pages. I also always share when I have a new Blog Post up.

The draconian measures will stop when EVERYONE stops being compliant with the enemy!

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Posted in BodyMindMastery, MoneyMindMastery, Political, Spirituality

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All information posted on my website, or channels, are the opinion of the author and is provided for research and educational purposes only. It is not medical advice, please consult with a healer of your choosing for health care and advice. It is not financial advice, please consult with a professional in the fields you are concerned about. I do not guarantee the accuracy of any articles, videos, memes, or images posted on my site, on my video channel, or on my social media. I do not endorse any websites, person, or groups shared within. It’s time people learn to be skeptical and stop taking everyone’s word as gospel and learn to think for themselves. Stop waiting for the “news media” to tell you what to think, and what to believe.

Do Your Own Research! Use discernment!