Update: 15 February 2025
The draconian measures will stop when EVERYONE stops being compliant with the enemy!
All information posted on my website, or channels, are the opinion of the author and is provided for research and educational purposes only. I do not guarantee the accuracy of any articles, videos, memes, or images posted on my site, on my video channel, or on my social media. I do not endorse any websites, person, or groups shared within. It’s time people learn to be skeptical and stop taking everyone’s word as gospel and learn to think for themselves. Stop waiting for the “news media” to tell you what to think, and what to believe. Do Your Own Research! Use discernment!
In Peace, Love, and Light,
Ontario, Canada | (C) Marjo Potec – All Rights Reserved
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can you tell me who created the every lie will be revealed Post?
I don’t know how you got to that image in my post, I don’t see that on my Blog page. I can tell you it looks like all the things Q told us we would get to see, with no time-line. From what is posted under that image it looks like it came from a woman who calls herself Queen Romana. At first, she did have interesting links and information we were allowed to share from her Telegram channel, but I stopped following her years ago, see my Blog post on her for more. That was posted in 2021, I don’t remember that image. I know I didn’t create it.
Why do you ask?